Five Facts About Hana and Jessie-Lee with Hana Brenecki

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Five Facts About Hana and Jessie-Lee with Hana Brenecki


1.  Jessie-Lee’s third cousin is David Boon, the Australian cricketer most famous for downing 52 cans of beer on a flight to England in 1989. I really hope she beats this one day.

2.  I hate crescent moons because they look like a toenail in the sky.  I also once used rice paper and foundation to see what I would look like without eyebrows.  The conclusion was that everyone really needs eyebrows to look human.

3. When Jessie was ten years old, she was finally allowed to watch Jurassic Park, after being banned from seeing it.  She then watched it every day for a year.  Not an exaggeration.

4. I once got pushed on stage at a Daryl Braithwaite gig in Adelaide and sang Horses with him. He also stole one of my beers (granted it was so I could hold the microphone).

5. Myself and Jessie-Lee both have Ukrainian heritage.  We were in a bar one time and Jessie knocked our friend’s drink off the table accidentally, then looked up at him and smashed it under her cowboy boot.  This is when I knew she was a true Ukrainian.