Darn Matter

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Darn Matter


Name/Band: Darn Matter

Define your genre in five words or less:

As a big band: Gameboy Gospel Jazz Punk. As a one-man operation: plaintive pop-noir balladry.

Someone walks passed as you’re playing, they get a beer and tell their friend about you…what do they say?

“Dude, that guy with the beard sings like a girl. When I close my eyes I get hard. When I open them I get angry. I hate that guy”.

How long have you been gigging and writing?

I wrote a song last year in celebration of 10 years of songwriting. I’ve been playing for a little less time, maybe nine years in various bands. I’ve also played solo sets intermittently for most of that time.

What’s been your favourite gig you’ve played to date?

The one’s that stick out for me are two CD launches with two separate bands the Knives Of Neptune and Small Town Fiasco, both at The Evelyn. A packed and smiling room, a celebratory vibe, great sets both times, when it all comes together everybody wins.

Which band would you most like to have a battle/showdown with?

Really? Is that what we’re supposed to do? Man, I’ve been going about this all wrong. I’m off to buy a helmet.

What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

The special and insightful things my friends say, the silly things we all do, late night epiphanies, early morning regrets, hugs and kisses, slaps and slurs.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

Succeed how? Succeed at art, or succeed at, money? The same thing anybody has to do to be successful. Step one: define success. Step two: set aims and goals. Step three: achieve them. Simple! If all a band wants to do is play small rooms to 10 appreciative people every two months, and goes ahead and keeps doing it, then I would call that a success.

Do you have any record releases to date? What? Where can I get it?

Darn Matter as a big band are working on a four or five-track demo which we’ll be pressing copies and placing in a bucket for free wherever we play. I’m currently putting the finishing touches on a solo record under the same moniker which should be in the hands of Fiona Apple by the end of the year, at which point she’ll be so impressed she’ll invite me around for a movie night and brainstorming session.

Why should everyone come and see your band?

If you don’t come see me/us play you are a racist and a bigot. There, challenge set.

When are you playing live?

There is a massive ten-act solo bill at Grumpy’s Green this Sunday October 30, featuring an all-sorts cast of Joel Edmondson, Your Humble Narrator, Teen Ichero, Roxy Lavish, Darn Matter, Ash Briody, Owen Miller, Rowan Dalgleish, Twins Of Destiny and Freya Dalgleish. It’s all on from 1pm and will extend into the night, it’s going to be an amazing afternoon. And it’s free! So much talent in one day I’m going to have to invite Johnny Young along.