Cabaret Q&A: Baroness Bianka’s Bloodsongs

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Cabaret Q&A: Baroness Bianka’s Bloodsongs


Name of performer: Joanna Weinberg.

What makes cabaret special? Intimate immediacy of no fourth wall.

If you had to condense cabaret into a feeling or emotion, what would it be? Shared secrets between friends.

When did you first get hooked on cabaret? After drama school when I realised I could talk straight to the audience instead of pretending they weren’t there.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen at a cabaret show? People singing naked with a snake.

What’s your favourite thing about the Melbourne Cabaret Festival? The Butterfly Club.

Tell us about your show. What’s it about? My show is about addiction, obsession and blood . It is about a Baroness from Ongewalaria who fears that her compulsion to steal blood means she is cursed. The show is about how she discovers the reason behind her strange addiction and how she comes to terms with it. 

Describe your show with five words. Original, unpredictable, black comedy, hilarious. 

How are people going to leave your show feeling? Surprised and delighted.

If you had to condense cabaret into a feeling or emotion, what would it be? Shared secrets between friends.

What dates and times can I see your show?  Saturday June 28 at 9pm and Sunday June 29 at 8pm.

And at which venue? The Butterfly Club. 

And for what price?  $28 and $25 concession.

Where can we go to read more about your show?