Cabaret Q&A: Nude

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Cabaret Q&A: Nude


Name of performer: Carina Waye.

What makes cabaret special? Cabaret provides an opportunity for a special kind of intimacy with an audience that you don’t get in bigger theatres with bigger audiences.

If you had to condense cabaret into a feeling or emotion, what would it be? Intimate.

When did you first get hooked on cabaret? Always been a fan, but Ali McGregor got me hooked about six years back with her show at the time. At first it was her killer voice that got my attention, but she’s also funny and witty and a great performer.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen at a cabaret show? I’ve not seen anything too strange in a while, but I like strange things – they make it interesting!

What’s your favourite thing about the Melbourne Cabaret Festival? Being part of a festival with some great performers!

Tell us about your show. What’s it about? Nude puts a twist on the typical Marilyn Monroe tribute show, with the actress taking us through the stories and make up process that ‘made’ Marilyn. It reveals the layers that go into creating such an iconic character and the responsibilities of the actors that play them.

Describe your show with five words. Sexy, funny, touching, human, story.

How are people going to leave your show feeling? Hopefully uplifted and wanting more!

What dates and times can I see your show? Saturday June 28 and Sunday June 29 at 6.45pm.

And at which venue? Chapel Off Chapel.

And for what price? $29 – $35.

Where can we go to read more about your show?