Bear The Mammoth

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Bear The Mammoth


Who are you stoked most to be sharing the Progfest bill with? We’ve been big fans of We Lost The Sea for a while now and really enjoy their live shows. We played with them once a couple of years ago on a smaller stage but it’ll be great to see them at The Corner.

Have you ever played Progfest before?
We’ve played a couple of times before at The Espy. It was great being able to talk to a large amount of bands that we’ve never had a chance to talk to before. Because Progfest goes for the whole day, there’s plenty of time to see some new bands and meet some new people.

How do you experiment at practice/in the studio? We mainly have improvised jams when practising together.  We have hours and hours of recorded improv jams that we all listen back to and share our thoughts on what we liked from the jams.

What makes the Australian prog scene so special? Australia is lucky to have a large music scene with a large variety of music being played at many different venues. In Melbourne there are so many venues playing music that any genre can thrive. The prog scene has been really popular in Australia for a long time with plenty of festivals including Progfest that help the scene grow.