Anathema : The Optimist

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Anathema : The Optimist


Opener 32.63N 117.14W washes listeners’ ears with soothing waves. The track title is quite ambiguous, depicting the coordinates for Silver Strand beach in San Diego, which was the last known location of The Optimist. Suddenly, a whimsical electronica beat pops up, leading into Leaving It Behind. A gloomy guitar layers this electronica sound. Vincent Cavanagh’s mesmerising vocals unwind the listener, the chorus becomes more upbeat, and Cavanagh’s vocals become more urgent.

Endless Ways begins with a soulful piano melody, as Lee Douglas’ crystal vocals caress your ears. She soars as the synth enhances the emotional vibe of the song, followed by the breakdown of guitars and drums. The Optimist begins with a rhythmic piano melody, beautifully alternating between the two vocals.

Springfield edges towards a smooth piano melody before introducing a steady drum beat and searing guitars. Close Your Eyes is dark and mesmerising, and Douglas’ vocals are seductive, enhancing the haunting beauty of the song. Closer Back To The Start is an almost 12-minute composition featuring lapping waves, melancholy acoustics and moody vocals. The constant experimentation with different sounds is what makes The Optimist such a distinctive and alluring listen.