Briggs to host the 2020 Virtual APRA Music Awards

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Briggs to host the 2020 Virtual APRA Music Awards

Photo by Leila Morrissey
Words by Kate Streader

The awards will be streamed online to music fans around the world for the first time ever.

Rapper, writer and actor Briggs has been revealed as the host for this year’s virtual APRA Music Awards. Rescheduled for May 25, the event will air on HYVIO’s global streaming platform so that music-lovers around the world can tune in.

The one-hour broadcast of the awards will kick off at 7pm, following a virtual red carpet commencing at 6:30pm, showcasing one-off special performances curated by Musical Director, Kate Miller-Heidke and highlighting some of the biggest successes in Australian music across the past year.

The full list of nominees was revealed earlier this month, including the likes of Tones And I, The Teskey Brothers, Thelma Plum, and more.

Originally slated for May 26, the virtual award ceremony has been bumped forward a day out of respect for Sorry Day.

“We were moving so quickly to ensure our 2020 APRA Music Awards nominees could have an event to recognise their success over the past year, that we overlooked the very important fact that May 26 is Sorry Day,” said a spokesperson for the APRA Music Awards.

“Sorry Day is a national day of reflection where all Australians can reflect and express regret for the historical mistreatment of Aboriginal people, in particular the Stolen Generations, and not an appropriate time for a celebration.”

The 2020 APRA Music Awards are happening from 7pm on May 25. RSVP and find out more at the APRA AMCOS website. 

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