Q&A: 3CR Radiothon

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Q&A: 3CR Radiothon


Tell us a little bit about 3CR and how it is different to other radio stations?

What stands out to me is 3CR’s history, and its sense of history. The station is notorious for (what some would call) its radicalism, others would say its progressive or leftist stance, but I’m proud of the fact time and time again that 3CR has positioned itself right where the cultural wave is breaking. Most people think of 1976 as the year of punk, or the year that One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest and Taxi Driver came out, or when landing vehicles from the Spacecraft Viking I and Viking II set down safely on Mars; but to me, it’s the year that 3CR brought voices of reason and common sense to our Melburnian airwaves.

What is your favourite 3CR program?

There are several great music shows on Saturday evenings that are like a serious timewarp back to the ‘40s and ‘50s such as Hillbilly Fever and Shake Rattle and Roll, but the flagship program to me is Anarchist World This Week on Wednesday mornings with Dr Joe Toscano.

What special events are organised for the 3CR Radiothon?

Too many to list, but Burning Vinyl will be broadcasting live from The Old Bar every single Friday afternoon between 2-4pm, with special live performers, guest interviews, and beer.

Why should people become a member of 3CR?

Unlike just about every other community station, we rely entirely on regular folks to continue – no government money, no advertising of any sort. Just the kindness of people who believe the world could be a better place. And want a radio station to reflect that.