60 Seconds With…The Council

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60 Seconds With…The Council


G’day there – who are we speaking to?

Hey I’m Derek – drummer from The Council.


You’re about to step into the studio to start work on your second album. What lessons are you taking from the first?

As a two-piece, we’ve historically tried to limit our overdubs and utilise analogue tape as much as possible. We’ve found it helps keep the music raw and energetic. This time around, we’re allowing ourselves room to experiment with more advanced techniques, as we’re looking to produce a larger, more diverse sound


You’re a loud band for a two-piece, what tricks are you doing with your gear or general performances?

As far as drums go – I’ve just taken ownership of a Ludwig Classic kit, with 24″ bass drum. It’s a high class piece of drum porn and sounds seriously huge. Hamish runs his bass and guitar amps simultaneously, and he’s got a pretty keen ear for balancing his dirty sound so it’s in-ya-face but never too aggressive.

You performed at Rock Against CUB at The Tote recently. What was the vibe around that?

A bunch of bands got together to raise some cash for the 55 CUB workers who were laid off and re-offered their jobs at a 65% wage cut. A great cause to help hard-working people who are being pushed around by a faceless corporation.