60 Seconds With… Paul Reid

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60 Seconds With… Paul Reid


So then, what’s the name and what do you ‘do’?

I’m Paul Reid. I play guitar and sing.


What do you think people will say you sound like?

Josh Pyke, City and Colour, Paul Dempsey.


What do you love about making music?

Music is my vice. It lets me tell stories through my own thoughts and ideas and how I desire things to be. It doesn’t always work though. Song writing comes in waves and you can’t force it. So when things click, it feels great.


What do you hate about the music industry?

There is a big gamble in spending a lot of money on music websites, magazines and businesses to promote your songs and shows. With little to no funding for unsigned bands and artists, more free support is needed in helping artists get their songs heard by the masses on both local radio and live shows.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

I’d show Jeff Buckley my songs. Then ask him to sing backing harmonies with me on my next CD.


What can a punter expect from your live show?

People can expect a mix of full band folk/pop sounds, to just me on guitar. There is something about a musician on their guitar that gets everyone’s attention and makes a show more personal for the audience.


When are you playing live next and with who?

I’m launching my debut self-titled EP at Noise Bar on Saturday May 26 at 8pm. I’m supported by great people and musicians in Watson and Watson, Brendan James and Waterline.


What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

My debut self-titled EP. Also heading back into the studio later in the year to start work on my second EP.


Anything else to add?

I’m continuing the launch of my EP with a regional show in Geelong at The Nash on Thursday May 31. Please visit and ‘like’ The Paul Reid Facebook page at facebook.com/paulreid.musicpage, and review my single Seeds And Water on triple j Unearthed, at triplejunearthed.com.au/paulreid.