60 Seconds With… Mojo Pin

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60 Seconds With… Mojo Pin


So then, what’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band?

Our band name is Mojo Pin and I play/slap the bass.

What do you reckon people will say you sound like?

The sound we are going for is post grunge/post alternative. Think of early Silverchair, Alter Bridge, Papa Roach and Foo Fighters.

What do you love about making music?

I enjoy the pureness of playing and when the hard work is rewarded at a live gig.

What do you hate about the music industry?

The Voice, X Factor et cetera – the overhyped commercialism.

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

Kurt Cobain, amazing musician/person that was taken too soon.

If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?

Justin Bieber, you know why.

What can a punter expect from your live show?

Loud noise and a whole heap of fun.

What’ve you got to sell music-wise?

We released our debut EP Tiny Minds last year. It is available on Bandcamp and we have CDs for sale at most of our gigs.

MOJO PIN play the Brunswick Hotel on Thursday October 1 with Arcane Saints, Red Sky Burial and The Stabbing Trade.