60 Seconds With…Miss Eileen and King Lear

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60 Seconds With…Miss Eileen and King Lear


Describe your genre in 5 words or less:

Indie folk pop

What can a punter expect from your live show? 

Your average punter, let’s call him Joe, can come along to a Miss Eileen and King Lear show and expect to see a whole bunch of brand new original songs, a mini toy piano with a cartoon painted on it, heaps of harmonies, vintage dresses, stylin’ shoes (that’s Lear’s forte), and perhaps a touch of brother/sister rivalry.  We hope you dig it!

When’s the gig and with who?

We’ve got two special shows coming up at The Spotted Mallard in Brunswick with our killer band and support from Sam Cooper on Wednesday September 11 and Nigel Wearne on Wednesday September 18. It all kicks off at 8pm. Did I mention they’re free? You’ve got no excuse.

How long have you been gigging and writing?

We’ve been happily gigging for over ten years now with our crazy old family jugband. We aren’t, however, oldies. We just started when we were a meagre but mighty eight years of age. I was anyway. Miss Eileen and King Lear is our brand new side project of original material, indie folk rock vibes and a whole new killer band. It’s damn exciting.

Describe the best gig you have ever played.
As Miss Eileen and King Lear, we’ve only ever played one gig. No, it wasn’t a beautiful wedding in the rollicking hills with sunsets and rainbows, nor was it a hipster music festival with flower garlands, mosh pits and beards everywhere. It was, in fact, at Telstra’s head office. Was it the best gig ever? Just ask the folks at Telstra.

If you could go on tour with any musician or band, who would it be?

If I could go on tour with any band, it would be The Band. Not only are they all super-mega-babe town spunks, but we’ve grown up on their music and it sure would be a kick-ass tour if we were rolling around the countryside in something of an Almost Famous bus, taking Polaroid pictures, listening to Levon singing “Up on Cripple Creek in the backseat…” Boy oh boy, if only we were born an odd 40 years ago.