60 Seconds With… ESC

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60 Seconds With… ESC


Define your genre in five words or less:

Post-punk meets electronic.


What can a punter expect from your live show?

Loudness, sway, and diversity. Two drummers so lots of rhythm.


What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

I think we’re just doing something a bit different from other bands. We try to stay away from scenes and genres. We’re doing something that we love and that we really feel something from.


What’s the strangest place you’ve ever played a gig, or made a recording?

We went back to Max and Milo’s high school to film our video clip. We basically just needed a big space and they let us use their gym. There was heaps of equipment to play with when we were bored including some of those hoses that make cool noises when you spin them.  


Which band would you most like to have a battle/showdown with?

ESC DJs from Club ESC at Boney, because they stole our name! People keep thinking we’re DJing at Boney because when we do DJ we use that name! 


When are you playing live/releasing your album/EP/single/etc?

We’re playing at the Noisey gig at Lounge with Moon Dice and Snowy Nasdaq on Thursday February 27. It’s free and there’s free booze but you have to RSVP online. It’s going to be our last show for a while as we’re going in to record our debut album with Nick Hoare (who did our EP) and Josh Delaney (Rat & Co, Chet Faker). There’s also a Rat & Co remix coming out of our single Atomic Shadow in April.