60 Seconds With… Banco De Gaia

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60 Seconds With… Banco De Gaia


Define your genre in five words or less:

Global ambient dub techno.

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like? 

A Pink Floyd for the 21st century.

What do you love about making music? 

The magic of creating something new which has never existed before, especially if it is emotionally moving.

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why? 

Jimi Hendrix, because he might have offered to play on a track!

What can a punter expect from your live show? 

Infectious beats, floor-wobbling bass, sublime melodies and glorious video.

What’ve you got to sell CD-wise? 

New album coning out in the spring, the first in quite a few years. Meanwhile, we recently released a downtempo collection of old classics.

When’s the gig and with who? 

Sunday November 18 at Northcote Social Club with Dom Hogan and Sunsaria.

So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say? 

“I just heard the most amazing music. All the best bits of all the best kinds of music rolled into one. And the crowd were going crazy.”


How long have you been gigging and writing? 

You really don’t want to know. Banco started in 1989. And it wasn’t my first band.

Why should everyone come and see your band? 

Because I very rarely come to Australia, so if you don’t come now you may have a long wait.

When are you doing your thing next? 

A few shows in December in the UK and Ireland.

What part of making music discourages you? 

Too much technology. It allows me to do wonderful things but sometimes it gets in the way of the flow.