60 Seconds With…Atomsmasha

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60 Seconds With…Atomsmasha

So then, what’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band? 
The name is Atomsmasha, and I am basically a glorified DJ, but I use Gameboys instead of turntables. 
What do you reckon people will say you sound like?
Mario at a rave.
What do you love about making music?
The fact that a humble Limp Bizkit a capella can elevate *any* musical composition to the next level.
What do you hate about the music industry?
Not enough a capellas have been leaked from Limp Bizkit’s “golden age” (1997 – 2001).
If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?
Fred Durst isn’t dead yet so there is still a faint glimmer of hope for me.
If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?
I wouldn’t shed a tear if Gene Simmons dropped dead tomorrow. He epitomizes everything that sucks about the unholy union between music and capitalism. Does anyone even actually like this guy?
What can a punter expect from your live show?
8-bit electro/breaks/dubstep, cheesy vocals, self-deprecation, vape-wizardry and probably airhorns.
Anything else to add?
Really looking forward to getting the ankle monitor off next week and escaping from Perth to play music for/with some of the most forward thinking individuals I’ve had the pleasure to meet. Hope to see you there!