As more time passes Vents Uno becomes more agitated with society and all the bullshit that it has to offer. A few years on from his brilliant debut the follow up has a lot of pressure to succeed from a loyal fan base and I’m sure from the artist himself. This release slams from start to end and should see Vents elevate himself to one of the bigger names in Australian music, perhaps not Hoods big, but definitely Funkoars big. Trials kills it on production here, his love for psych and banging drums is sharpening to a superior sound with each and every release. Lyrically Vents has few peers when it comes to rip a track to pieces and this second LP shows the cameo scene stealer can kill it over full tracks too. Standouts include History of The World and the soon to be party anthem Rollin’ Balls, now I’m going to get a little Molly Meldrum and tell you all to do yourself a favour, cop the album and hit the live shows touring nationally now.