Tram crashes on the rise in Melbourne

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Tram crashes on the rise in Melbourne

Tram crashes

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Melbourne drivers keep crashing into trams and the Andrews Labor government is getting pretty fed up with it. We assume the tram drivers and passengers don’t love it either.

This January, there were 10 instances of vehicles hiting trams in one day, which prompted the state government to urge drivers to be careful on the road and avoid driving in the path of trams.

Increase in tram crashes

  • The Andrews Labor government has reported a significant increase in vehicle-to-tram crashes
  • Tram crashes were up 60% in 2022 compared to the year before
  • Drivers are encouraged to act safely and never cut off a tram

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.

In 2022, there were 960 vehicle-to-tram collisions reported, with 166 classified as serious. This number is 60% higher than the year before. Granted, the 2021 Covid-19 lockdowns could have played a role in this statistic, but still – it’s a lot of crashes.

According to the Labor government, around 95 per cent of these accidents are caused when a vehicle drives onto the tram tracks. This could happen while trying to pass by other drivers or turning in front of a moving tram.


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“Melbourne’s tram network is essential to keeping locals and tourists moving – so when serious vehicle-to-tram collisions occur, it can cause lengthy disruptions and result in the trams requiring major repair works for a long period of time,” says Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll.

Aside from the major problems these crashes can cause (such as, you know, injury and death), the trams can also take months to repair, meaning delays and annoyances for riders long after the crash. On average, there are ten trams out for collision repairs at any time.

As the city with the largest tram network in the world, it makes sense that sometimes accidents happen. But can we all try to be a little more careful?  Please?

For more on the increase in Melbourne tram crashes, head here.