Top Three Influential Albums With River Of Snakes

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Top Three Influential Albums With River Of Snakes


Wipers Box Set. Raul: “Well this is more like three albums plus out-takes. I listened to this continually while we were writing and making our record, it just connects with me on every level, from the stark yet inventive ‘80s indie-production, the searing lead-breaks, the pounding relentlessness and the songs about alienation and being an outcast. But most off all it’s just the attitude and the sound of Greg Sage’s guitar.” Elissa: “Yeah it influenced me with the post punk attitude, the melodies, the awesome bass lines and the love songs.”

Hole – Pretty on the Inside. Elissa: “The abrasive, wild, hypnotic and psychotic tones to Hole’s first album are what influence me in making our album or anything else I do really. I love that when you first hear Pretty on the Inside it hits you between the eyes, straight up. Luring you in like a mermaid Siren and then it shipwrecks you on its jagged unpredictable unforgettable distortion.” Raul: “Yep, what she said!”

Rowland S. Howard – Teenage Snuff Film. Raul: “You can’t underestimate the hold this album has had on me, I see it as the yard-stick in song-writing, production, instrumentation, arrangement, everything.  It’s almost embarrassing how influenced I am by it, I even tried to sing like Rowland! But that’s not gonna happen! I love it so much.” Elissa: “It influenced me with its dark, haunting and melancholy tones. Raul: “Yeah, and the feedback!”

RIVER OF SNAKES is launching Black Noise at The Old Bar this Friday July 25. Also on the bill are Sun God Replica, Claw and Organs and The General.