Opiuo, Infusion, Nubreed, Moodswing & Chevy Bass, Spoonbill and more – The Industrique is welcoming some of Melbourne’s biggest acts to the stage.
Established in November 2020, Coburg industrial warehouse space The Industrique, despite ongoing restrictions, enjoyed an incredibly successful first year of operation and has consistently hosted quality sold-out events every weekend. It is, as predicted, providing a lifeline to the recovery of live music in Victoria.
While COVID has had a major impact on Melbourne’s live music scene, given the size of The Industrique – a venue that sprawls both indoor and outdoor spaces and spans a combined 1400 square metres – it has been able to host events at full capacity with COVID restrictions.
Having thrived over those six months particularly, the venue has been able to step things up a notch with improvements such as a new stage that now accommodates a full band, impressive new front of house, cocktail bar and major additions to its sound and lighting production.
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The entire venue has been acoustically treated and has over 20 movers, a set of powerful lasers, strobes and a quality Nexo Geo sound system. All these things combined have taken the venue to a level that is hard to beat.
“This is always where I wanted it to be – it just took a bit of time, and thanks to the overwhelming support for the venue, I managed to get it there quicker than expected,” says venue owner and DJ/producer, Sarah Raynor (aka Sera Marie).
“I think the big difference between this venue and others, is that my passion and drive is music, whereas often venue owners put in minimal efforts with sound as the focus is the bar or food. With me, it’s the opposite – the bar is just there to pay the bills!”
Alongside strong public support, it’s the skill and knowledge within the venue’s own production team that’s been key to achieving such an incredible result in a challenging time. Melbourne sound extraordinaires Hooves & Frenchy (John Hooves Clayton & Matt D-Sens (production manager)) alongside Lou Constantinou from Audio Lighting Services are to thank for the top-notch production result.
The versatile skills of Peter O’Leary enabled the construction of the new FOH, stage build and acoustic treatment.
“I am very grateful to have the (ongoing) support from the right people at the right time to be able to get this venue to the level it needs to be at,” Sera says.
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With a focus on supporting local artists as well as an inundated list of international bookings just waiting to grace its stage, The Industrique continues to go from strength to strength. Its Saturday and Sunday day-to-night events are hugely popular, as the venue notices an interesting behavioural change from partygoers.
Since COVID hit, punters seem to be keen on drinking early and retiring early rather than starting late and finishing late. As a result, The Industrique has helped reignite the return of the day party to Melbourne and this will continue to be a big part of their focus going forward.
A collective force of the north who have collaborated to create a brand new warehouse concept designed exclusively for your weekly Sunday sessions, Spin City Warehouse launches in August and will go down every Sunday from 3pm until late at The Industrique. Despite what obstacles lay ahead if The Industrique can be open, Spin City – a premium weekly electronic music event – will be ready to provide the north with hands-in-the-air good times.
An inclusive session for all music lovers, dancefloor stompers, connectors and networkers to come together, Spin City is bringing movement back while facilitating lifelong friendships made over sound.
The venue also recently announced its new sponsorship with Red Bull, which brings many exciting features to the venue such as an additional Red Bull bar located next to the dancefloor, helping keep you fully charged while you let off all that lockdown steam.
The Industrique is located at 5-7 Louvain Street, Coburg North. For more information, head to the venue’s Facebook page.