Thief Steals A DJ Mixer From Lounge

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Thief Steals A DJ Mixer From Lounge


The venue took to Facebook today to announce the theft and that they were appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

“During the course of the evening a mixer was stolen from the DJ booth,” noted the post. “The brazen move is quite upsetting, Lounge is a venue that has strong grassroots and goes to great lengths to support the local music and arts scene. The night itself hosts a vast array of Melbourne acts and this theft will impact them all. 

“Stealing is unacceptable and not something Lounge and it’s affiliates will stand for. Those responsible are certainly not welcome here and clearly misguided about what the night and venue is about in general. We try to create an environment where people feel safe and comfortable, you have been invited to share in a night so many work hard on so don’t disrespect it with a bad attitude and behaviour.”