There’s a Studio Ghibli Party coming to Melbourne

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There’s a Studio Ghibli Party coming to Melbourne


There’s going to be life-size cutouts and face-masks of your favourite Studio Ghibli characters, Studio Ghibli visuals and a free Studio Ghibli-themed photo booth. The best dressed in Ghibli-garb on the night will win a $50 bar tab. You’ve also got the chance to win another $50 bar tab if you head over to the Facebook event and post your favourite Ghibli moment.

There will be plenty of cheap Miyazaki-inspired drink specials available – five dollarydoos will get you Poko Bombs, Totoro Slushies and Ponyo Punch. $10 drinks include the ingeniously-titled EspressNo Face, Mononoke Mojitos, Spirited Away Spritzes and Calcifer Cosmos.