There’s a new leadership program empowering young women and non-binary locals with disability

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There’s a new leadership program empowering young women and non-binary locals with disability

Women with Disabilities Victoria

Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) have announced the Enabling Young Women Leadership Program and are looking for participants.

Through action, activism, and education young women and non-binary people with disability are having a significant impact on a global, national, and local scale in recent years. People like Greta Thunberg, Grace Tame and Barwon’s own breakout star Chloe Hayden are young, disabled and are literally changing the world.

When action is needed, leaders rise, but leaders don’t just magically appear. They need to find themselves first. For some, that means rethinking and redefining what we know and have been told about leadership. There is no one way, or right way, to lead.

Redefining what it is to be a leader, Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) have launched the Enabling Young Women Leadership Program with the aim to unearth that potential through fun and meaningful ways.

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.

The Barwon region has a strong legacy of disabled advocates and innovative disability inclusion, making it a perfect fit for the online empowerment Program. To truly represent and capture the needs of the region, WDV has formed a reference group consisting of local organisations with expert knowledge and connections.

The Program is also proud to create valued employment opportunities for emerging leaders like local woman Vanessa Davies who joins WDV as the Program’s co-facilitator.

The Program is also proud to create valued employment opportunities for emerging leaders like local woman Vanessa Davies who joins WDV as the Program’s co-facilitator.

If you, or someone you know, wants to become a better leader, identifies as a woman or non-binary person with disability, aged 18-25 and are connected with the Barwon Region (live, work or play!), this is the program for you! Vanessa and the WDV team are currently seeking participants so don’t be shy.

The seven week online leadership Program, will start this at the end of this month and will conclude with a Gradation to celebrate participant achievements. Across the duration of the program, participants will explore who they are, reflect on strengths, learn about human rights, practice speaking up, work with a mentor to achieve a leadership goal, and become a stronger leader in the community.

The best part is the program and all materials are free for participants, while activities and sessions are adaptable to meet access needs.

Applications are now open. For more information and to apply, head to WDV’s website at