The Sin-Sational Rita and Mae

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The Sin-Sational Rita and Mae


Tell us about your show. Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go to Hollywood. Censorship, scandals, love affairs. Rita Hayworth and Mae West were infamous for their portrayal of bad girls on the screen, and their scandalous lives off screen. Presented by The Butterfly Club and featuring Melody Beck as Rita Hayworth and Lucinda Beck as Mae West, this sister duo will explore the lives of these femme fatale film icons and what shaped them through songs from the past and the present, asking the question, is it really good to be bad?

Does your show have any audience participation? There is a little bit of audience interaction, mainly double entendre and a bit of ‘within-the-crowd’ action to really get the feel of these classic femme fatale characters, Rita Hayworth and Mae West.

What’s a fun fact about the show? Most of the dialogue in the show is direct quotes from Rita Hayworth and Mae West. We’ve done this because it really gets to the heart of who these women really were and what their ambitions and dreams were too.

Can you describe the journey of creating a show? Since starting work on Rita and Mae we’ve gone from soaring highs to devastating lows, sometimes within the same day, but working through all of those feelings and believing in the work that is more rewarding than we could’ve possibly imagined. 

Describe your show in three words. Scintillating. Sensitive. Sin-Sational.