The Seben Brothers

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The Seben Brothers

Retreat Hotel

The Seben Brothers are an energetic dance band that exclusively plays African music, and particularly a dance style called Soukous which comes from the DRC in Central Africa.

The band have been performing locally for the last eight years and the members are veteran musicians including local and African artists.

The band plays plays dance music driven by a passion for performance. Soukous is the main style and it developed of the last three decades in central Africa. Soukous means “to shake” and that is the main effect of experiencing the music of The Seben Brothers.

A “Sebene” is a term used in Congolese Rumba music to describe the instrumental section of a rumba song where the singing finishes and the band creates an ecstatic instrumental section to energise the audience into dancing.

More information about the band is available here.