The Birds and the Beats

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The Birds and the Beats


Tell us about your show? Sing-a-long sex-ed for adults. A sexploration of all things that we wish we were taught in sex-ed. The Birds and The Beatsis honest story telling set to an original R&B score performed live.


Describe your show in three words. Cheeky, educational and musical.


Does your show have any audience participation? I try to create a welcome environment where we can have ‘the talk’. You can share as much or as little as you want, but one thing’s for sure– you’ll find out a lot of embarrassing things about me.


How have the events in your life turned into material? The show is very much inspired by the sexual experiences of myself, my friends and unfortunately my family.


What’s a fun fact about the show? I have a conversation with my younger self through my loop pedal. If this makes no sense to you, come see the show.