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“This will be our first (time playing Showdown),” he states. “We’ve done Creepshow, Rock The Bay; it’s about time we did the trifecta. It’ll be great. It always sets up a lot of good bands playing together so it should be cracking!”

It’s been five years since the release of their debut album, Given to Destroyers, and aside from a couple of singles released on MySpace, there’s been no new music from the Sydonia camp. Sam reveals that they are finally beginning work on their sophomore album.

“We said, ‘We gotta bite the bullet,'” he recalls. “The album’s written – I literally paid the deposit yesterday for Toyland [Studios], [drummer] Sean’s going in early September to start tracking. Adam’s going in for four days of bass. And then [vocalist and rhythm guitarist] Dana and I are going in to a friend’s house to spend two or three weeks tracking guitars and vocals, and get everything nailed. So finally we can tell the fans, who are just gagging for it at every show,” he continues. “They’re always like ‘when’s the new album?’ Now we can finally tell them.”

So when will be looking at a release for the new and long awaited Sydonia album? “We won’t know until once it’s in the can, and getting mixed,” he replies. “Depends how long that takes, and then there’s artwork that we’ll probably all yell and scream about. I’m just gonna go, ‘Whatevs!’ And then we’re going to make videos, we’ve got a whole bunch of ideas for video clips on no budget; we try to be creative with what we’ve got. And then get ourselves out on the road again.”

Like most bands, that’s the best part: “Live performance, man; that alone will never die,” he says with conviction. “I think that’s where it is for us, for all bands. Because, once [new music] is up online, people don’t want to pay for shit anymore!”

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your perspective, you have to pay to get in to get in to Showdown, but you’ll have a ripping time anyway.

“We’re looking forward to catching up with everyone again,” Sam states in conclusion, “pants optional!”