Seventh Gallery Announces Next Round of Exhibitions

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Seventh Gallery Announces Next Round of Exhibitions


Low Relief is the collaborate of recent Victorian College of the Arts graduates Brooke Babington, Sam Barbour, Jethro Harcourt and Lydia Wegner. In an attempt to explore the distortion perception that can place upon an object’s meaning, the quartet express their penchant for vantage points, depth and object in Gallery One.


Gallery Two will host a unique display called Bats to Parke. In this visual documentary of Melbourne’s Grey Headed Flying Foxes, artist Nicole Kinloch draws distinct connections between the creatures personalities and the environmental threats they face. If you’re impartial to this mammalogist’s dream then maybe mythological tropes are for you.


Hosted in Seventh Gallery’s Project Space, Sophie Perillio’s Hexe Syndrome showcases the tropes of Pagan and Wiccan mythology, their genesis, evolution and significance through her fine drawing skills. Contrasting this will be Agnes So’s experiment, Dance With Things, a visual exploration into people’s relationships with objects and it’s subject. Need to test whether you can sleep on your table? So’s got that down pat for you.


The Workers Club will be lending their Workers Window to host Talia Smith’s Slow Breath work too. Smith is know for her evocative landscape photography and installations.