Q&A: Seany B

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Q&A: Seany B


Ten acts/artists everyone should know about:

Parliament Funkadellic
Bill Withers
Tom Waits
Michael Jackson

Daft Punk


Lyrics Born

David Bowie

Cat Stevens

Leonard Cohen 


Nine food items that you need to make a kickarse dinner party:

Hot Sauce


Goats cheese

Lamb cutlets




Heirloom tomatoes


A home delivery menu (in case it all effs up!)

Eight possessions that define you:

Is that a trick question? I never hold onto anything material long enough for it to define me…I will say, however, my portable BOSE bluetooth speakers are still the best money I EVER spent. Hands down, bar none. They’ve provided a soundtrack to my erratic life all over the world. That’s probably the only ‘possession’ that I keep close when I’m home and away.

Seven favourite movies/TV shows that go on your mix-tape:

Coming to America




Werid Science

The Fifth Element

Leon: The Professional

Six bad habits you can’t escape:   

Sleeping in

Not sleeping at all

Saying ‘YOU’RE WELCOME’ really loud when people don’t say thank you

Lighting cigarettes off the stove

…wait, cigarettes are a bad habit themselves… so yeah, them.

To tell the truth, I can resist anything… but temptation.

Five people who inspire you:

Pharrell Williams (musically)

Terry Richardson (visually)

Steven Spielberg (conceptually)

Hugh Hefner (well…you know why)

Jean-Michel Basquiat (artistically)

Four things that turn you on:

Naughty eyes

A good vocabulary

Bi/tri-lingual speakers

Truth be told – interviews really do it for me. For reals…I need a moment

Three goals for your music:

Vent my soul

Vent my funk
Vent my quirk

Two live gigs you’ll never forget and why:

Singing live in front of 35,000 people on the front lawn of Parliament House with TV ROCK. It was also televised nationally and my parents got to see me do my thing on a big stage in a big way.. That was a surreal moment and one I will never forget.

Crowd surfing with Bombs Away & DJ Kronic in Darwin earlier this year. Probably one of my top ‘live’ moments ever. It’s a total trip hurling yourself towards the crowd – it’s at that moment you think, “Well, they either love you or hate you right now and you’ll find out in 1 second when you hit a bed of hands or the cold, hard floor.”
Happy to report it was all love.  Amazing.

One day left before the apocalypse and you:

Find my family and hold them tight and tell them I love them. Then we all go loot a shopping mall together!! The family that loves together, loots together. Haha.

When’s the gig / release? 

Performing at Noir 5, Level 3 at Crown on New Year’s Eve. Going to be a massive night, five rooms and lots of awesome talent – get down there! Keep Talking, my new tune with Jamie Vlahos, is out now through Onelove on iTunes & Beatport! Remixes dropping in January. Buy it! Play it! Smash it!