Q&A: Kumar Shome

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Q&A: Kumar Shome


So then, what’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band?
The bands’ name is Kumar Shome and The Punkawallahs. I am the frontman and lead guitarist.

What do you reckon people will say you sound like?
Generally they have replied our sound is a combination of jazz, rock and sonic psychedelics that gets you pumped. 

What do you love about making music?
The endless possibilities to composing. Turning some tiny idea that’s been floating around in your brain and building on that to create a song or tune is immensely gratifying that can comparable to the birth of ones offspring. On top of that I love that constant search striving to come up with something original that connects with people on a universal level.

What do you hate about the music industry?
I have nothing to hate about them. I am just waiting on them to embrace me into their community.

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?
Without a single doubt in my mind, that would be Jimi Hendrix.

If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?
I would assassinate no one. I believe that we need shit artists and bands out there ’cause without them, people will be gunning down gold music and the task of creating great music becomes too overwhelming for the next generation, which could lead to a deceleration of original music that one day would lead to ending up being only 100 bands in the world giving it a label of a privileged thing as if it was Polo. The whole nature of original music is that it’s one’s personal expression through the auditory sense without no restrictions, except with the restriction that its only heard.   

What can a punter expect from your live show?
its lively, its epic, its highly virtuosic and its rockin’. If you play or like hearing guitar you will enjoy this thoroughly.  

What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?
I have an album with nine glorious tracks that I sell at my gigs. Only available at gigs.

When’s the gig and with who?
The Gig is a Residency at The Evelyn Hotel. It is every Tuesday of the month of May. It is along with another band friend of ours known as Uncomfortable Science. They are band that have pioneered a new concept of Improvised music which will shock quite a few people. As being a man of the peeople, the residency is simply touted as Uncomfortable Kumar it kicks off around 8.30pm and finishes off at 11.30pm.

Anything else to add?
Yes. To the people reading this Q&A – come down to Tuesdays in May. It’s going to be great fun. Come hear for yourself some great music being played by Melbourne’s finest up and coming musos, and all they have to offer. And after the show is done, we can kick back and have a libation, and chat about the good time that would be a Tuesday night. Hope to see you there.