Q&A: Heartland Records

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Q&A: Heartland Records


Tell us a little bit about your record store.

We have been here for 18 years, and mainly specialize in import vinyl, CD and DVD. We cover quite a few genres including alternative, metal, rock, pop, gothic, industrial, punk and have approximately 20,000 new items, plus a selection of second-hand. We are open 7 days a week, located on Peel St opposite the Victoria Market.


What are you doing/offering to celebrate Record Store Day?

We are having a one day sale with between 10% – 20% off across the store, and also hope to have a good selection of RSD releases plus some special mark-downs on the day. Due to space restrictions we don’t have any live music which is a shame, as I had hoped to get The Polyphonic Spree in for the day.

What differentiates your record store from other stores? Is there anything that you specialize in?

We are on Peel Street and are not and apart from specialising being in Peel Street (harder than you think), we are fairly boring and mundane with a hint of sarcasm.


What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

I get to play whatever music I like without anyone yelling turn that shit down, or your dinner’s ready.


What part of the record industry excites you the most?

Love receiving boxes of stuff, hate having to then process it all.

What’s your favourite record, and why?

I once went a whole day without beer. Why? The answer speaks for itself.


What makes a good record?

Side A and B are always integral, but the hole in the centre (both sides) is of utmost importance.


Where do you see the record industry in five years?

Wondering why oh why did we stop pressing vinyl in Australia, and will cassettes ever make a comeback?


Anything else to add?
