Q&A: Area 7

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Q&A: Area 7


Define your genre in five words or less:

Skankin’, punkin’, rockin’ and sweatin’.


What do you love about making music?

Having fun with a bunch of mates.  Its’ all about the good times and it’s way too fickle an industry to be worried about the business side of things.


If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?

Jim Morrison – pretentious try hard wannabe.

What can a punter expect from your live show?

A very soggy t-shirt at the end of the night from skanin’ so much!

When’s the gig and with who?

Saturday June 9, and it’s with a tonne of bands, however my favourite band on the bill is The Bennies.  Perhaps the most underrated band in Australia right now.

So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

I didn’t realise they were the band that played that song.

How long have you been gigging and writing?

An eternity. We formed in 1994 – been doing originals the whole time. Now I feel old.

Which band would you most like to have a battle/showdown with?

Frenzal Rhomb, because they’d put up a fight but we’d win…That’s a challenge boys!


What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

Melbourne – what an amazing city. Not quite what it used to be, but when I was a kid going to see bands at The Espy, The Tote, The Punters Club and The Evelyn all in one weekend was almost a religion.

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

That we’ve been together so long and we’re all still really good mates and still enjoy the music.

Describe the best gig you have ever played.

Headlining St Kilda Festival in (I think) 2001. Mental As Anything supported (heroes of ours), it was daylight when we started and night time when we ended. Over 10,000 enthusiastic punters pumping their fists in the air!

What’s the strangest place you’ve ever played a gig, or made a recording?

Probably to a bunch of East Timorese kids on a UN base in East Timor during war time. Pretty damn cool though!


Where would you like to be in five years?

Exactly where I am now. In Melbourne, loving life with my friends and family.

Do you have a pre-gig ritual? If so, what is it?

Not really. I do a lot of chromatic warm ups on my axe, otherwise I can cramp up. We’re actually pretty fast and it can really get to you after a while.


What advice would you give to bands that are new on the Melbourne music scene?

Play as many shows as you can. Travel to other cities as much as you can. Have fun!