Mother Culture release new EP Lust For Love with launch date at the Evelyn Hotel

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Mother Culture release new EP Lust For Love with launch date at the Evelyn Hotel

Words by Jacob McCormack

Mother Culture are Spencer Ward and Darcy Ward, who bond over the pursuit of writing songs that remain authentic to the experiences that inspire them.

Their ambition? To leave an imprint on music that’s yet to come. This aim has birthed a style of music – they’ve previously described it as “a combination of indie, pop, rock, psychedelia…deep-space pop rock” – that they hope will shape the subsequent zeitgeist.

Oh, and they also love their mums.

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Mother Culture, as a concept, is multi-layered and the duet behind the band are still unearthing what it means. In a way it is fermenting, bubbling away, much like a batch of kombucha.

“[Mother Culture is] meant to be the beginning culture that was there at the forefront of society,” say the band. “The culture dies out after a point of time and all cultures that come after it are influenced by the mother culture, its touch will always resonate throughout. Mother Culture also refers to the first scobie if you’re making kombucha.”

Although Mother Culture are eager to influence the world of music in one way or another (and to be honest, as an active artist, who wouldn’t?) all aspects of their identity accept that songwriting is fluid. They allow themselves to be mercurial and for the meaning of their songs to shift as they write them.

“Sometimes we have written songs and we are not really too sure what it exactly is about at the time,” explain the band. “But listening to it over time and performing it live, it develops a whole different meaning to what you thought originally. It’s all very lucid in that way.”

Mother Culture released their second EP in three years on March 16. The EP, entitled Lust for Love, is a collection of love songs written at different stages of their lives, an ode to shifting imprints and the fluid nature of inspiration. It’s well worth checking out.

Mother Culture will be launching the EP at the Evelyn Hotel on Saturday March 25.

This article was made in partnership with Mother Culture.