Money For Rope Vs King Of The North

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Money For Rope Vs King Of The North


Money For Rope ask King Of The North

You jump onto the pipe above the stage at Cherry on Friday night, which breaks, covering you in waste water and shit. When you dip into your own band’s merch box for a clean shirt, do you wear it inside out or not?

Nah. Go topless, put sunnies on and choose which Money For Rope drummer I should hang out with.

Money For Rope convince the Cherry Bar staff to pour you a ‘Filthy McKenzie’. Do you partake knowing that there’s every chance you’ll sleep in a park after drinking it?

‘Filthy McKenzie’? Sounds like something to do with that waste pipe! I’d have one, if at least one of your drummers had one too.

You’re in the middle of an incredible guitar solo when your strap breaks and all of a sudden you’re playing air guitar. Do you go for the whammy?

Either go for the whammy or most likely pick up one of the many left over drumsticks on stage and do a Jimmy Page dazed and confused-style bow jam.

French tabloids gave us the benefit of seeing a potential heir to the English throne naked, thereby proving she is not a robot from outer space. Morally wrong or prudent for the sake of the future?

Yeah, one of your drummers (I can’t remember which one) showed us the photos. Like Wally, I feel that everyone should be able to go the beach and ‘whip ’em out’, but photos of boobs are great, so…?

You’re in an unavoidable car crash situation where you’re going to hit a pole head on at high speed. The drummer is driving, the guitarist is passenger. Which side do you aim for knowing the resultant injury will be two arms in plaster casts?

Depends on how many drummers are driving.

King Of The North ask Money For Rope

How many drummers do you have?

We have the perfect number of drummers. It’s good vs evil. It’s love vs hate. It’s life vs death. It’s money vs rope.

Which one is your favourite?

The original one who left the band.

Would you consider three drummers? Maybe even Wally, in the middle with glow in the dark sticks? Actually all three with glow in the dark sticks? That would look rad!

We have considered three. But let me ask you: Would you eat the deadly fugu fish while skydiving in the nude on heroin just because you can?

Have your two drummers ever dropped a stick at the same time?

How did you know we had two drummers? Why did you ask question number one? Better than that, they’ve snapped sticks at the same time, ‘cause they’re mean-arse motherfuckers.

So this Friday at our Cherry show, can we borrow one of your drum kits?

Anytime. Have you got a spare pick?

MONEY FOR ROPE and KING OF THE NORTH launch their split 7″ vinyl at Cherry Bar this Friday November 5.