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Issue 1627

Words by Gloria Brancatisano

Editor’s Note

Don’t judge me, but I tend to spend most New Year’s countdowns snuggled up in bed by a little past midnight – except this last year, and that has a lot to do with the band on our cover, The Presets, and the absolutely ridiculous set they threw down at Beyond The Valley. ‘My People’ now holds a very sentimental place in my heart, at least for the rest of the year. But we aren’t here to talk about decade-old throwbacks, because The Presets are ready to launch their very long-awaited new album, so of course we had to chat with them about it.

If you’re keen to get out of the city, you should also get the lowdown on Ballarat Heritage Weekend. We’re also starting to get excited for Melbourne International Jazz Festival’s impending city takeover – Sun Ra and Sam Anning Sextet are sure to get you excited for that too.

Look, I know I said I wouldn’t talk about the weather again – but I’m a liar. This week though it’s all about keeping warm and cosy, so we’ve put together a little playlist perfect for sitting inside and snuggling up.