Lounge Theatre

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Lounge Theatre


Intimate, moving and highly engaging” claims Lounge Theatre‘s promotional material of the show. And so it is. Each play is set in the lounge room of one of the protagonists, with the audience barely two metres from the actors, nestled in a cosy nook which serves as the stage. From a single concept two plays have emerged, Renee and Laura and Michael and Paul, each playing every second night during the shows two-week season at South Melbourne’s Butterfly Club. The two don’t refer to one another, so you can enjoy just one or, if you really enjoy yourself, head back for more.


Renee and Laura was greatly enjoyable. The actors, Jana Wilkes and Sarah Plummer, were convincing throughout, delivering each pause and turn of phrase contained in the tight script in a truthful, realistic manner in keeping with the intimacy of the production. There are moments of both levity and solemnity throughout, never overstaying their welcome. For a small play Lounge Theatre tackles some very big issues – happiness, fulfilment, relationships, professional satisfaction, mental illness. If you’re after some quality theatre without the bells and whistles, Lounge Theatre won’t disappoint.