The show will hit Melbourne International Comedy Festival each night from Tuesday April 6 until Sunday April 18.
Are you looking for a comedy show that has it all, by a man who’s done just about everything? What Are The Chances? is the show for you.
Joseph Green has performed stand-up across the world, from London to New York and has thrown in more than a few appearances at Melbourne International Comedy Festivals over the years.
Green’s work is hilarious, ridiculous, and sublime. He stitches together experiences of his life with the utmost respect for the art of stand-up comedy.
Green has a story wilder than most. He was once a humble Arts/Law student at Monash University before then becoming a teacher of Kundalini yoga and has acted too, and will appear alongside the universally-appreciated Charlie Hunnam in Apple TV’s forthcoming drama/thriller TV series, Shantaram.
What Are The Chances? is a show about finding yourself in the world. It is built from a vast array of experiences, including working as a special guest cricket commentator in India, playing a pivotal role in an FBI investigation and having an unexpected encounter with a Japanese woman named Motoko.
Green’s show is just under an hour and throws together superb jokes and unique storytelling to provide a night of non-stop laughter. He knows just how to spin together old-school yarns to leave the crowd in hysterics.
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Catch Joseph Green at Storyville each night between Tuesday April 6 until Sunday April 18. Grab tix here.