Joel Stibbard and The Gallant Trees

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Joel Stibbard and The Gallant Trees


What’s your name… and the name of your band…“Joel Stibbard and our band, The Gallant Trees.”

What’s your name… and the name of your band…

“Joel Stibbard and our band, The Gallant Trees.”

And what do you do in the band?

“Sing, write songs and play guitar.”

Who else have you and your band closely worked with?

“Vicuna Coat, Susan Lily, Courtney Barnett, Vic Farrell, Prairie and Lance, Frankie Andrew, Tané Emia-Moore, Craig Lee-Smith, members of the Edinburgh Collective and now Josh Durno and Lloyd Bosch.”

When did you form the band or did it just stumble upon you?

“It stumbled on me when Chris asked to play drums after the Birdwatching EP launch in March 2009.”

What was the driving force behind the idea?

“We like to work by a motto which is be organised and tenacious.”

Were has the name come from?

“It’s a play on words for Gallantry.”

Do you think that you have achieved what you set out to do?

“So far we’re making inroads, but there’s still more to be done.”

If you weren’t playing music you would be?

“Birdwatching or doing needlepoint.”

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

“The interaction with the audience and playing on stage with drummer Chris Chinchilla and bass player Tim Woods.”

How do you all find time to work with so many musicians?

“Easy, playing music is the fun part, it is pretty much my social life but behind the music there is also a lot of PR and administration involved in fronting a band.”

When are you doing your thing next?

“Joel from The Gallant Trees solo at Songwriters In The Round at Vibe on Smith St on January 21… then Tim Woods, Kate Walker and I are about to embark on a tour to Tasmania in February and when we come back, The Gallant Trees have a residency at The Espy in March.”