Five other things you won’t find in the city with Darcy Fox

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Five other things you won’t find in the city with Darcy Fox


1. While the city has its own share of industrial smog some days, you won’t find the steam clouds coming out the top of the Valley’s power stations and Simpsons like cooling towers. 


2. Once I played a gig in Melbourne that took me three hours to get to in peak hour traffic and only 45 minutes to get home. Not so much like the traffic jams back home , where you end up stuck behind a tractor on a windy road for ten kilometres but equally as frustrating. 


3. Out in the middle of nowhere you’re bound to find an old petrol station looking a little bit worse for wear. My producer Jack Hook found one on his travels across rural Victoria that happened to be rattling quite rhythmically – it now features on my track Hurricane where it was rattling in perfect time. 


4. Although they seem to be creeping closer and closer to the suburbs, you’re probably not as likely to find a big red kangaroo hanging around the city. Unfortunately they like to jump out in front of cars at the worst times possible on country roads and in the space of two weeks we hit three.


5. I’ve eaten a lot of takeaway food from a lot of different places, and I definitely don’t have the most refined taste buds but there’s something about the way my hometown does pizza and Chinese food that is yet to be matched by anywhere I’ve been. Probably more to do with familiarity but damn if it isn’t delicious.