Fairtrade Narcotics

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Fairtrade Narcotics

Following the anniversary of their 2021 EP 𝙨 𝙥 𝙖 𝙘 𝙚 𝙙 , genre-bending chaos agents FAIRTRADE NARCOTICS storm The Catfish on November 4th to hark the release of their new single Water Signs, with supports from Momoko Rose & Vinnyrn.

A tapestry of lucid dream-logic, experimentation & shoegaze, Water Signs signifies a pivotal shift in trajectory for the band as they usher in their next wave of “Phase 2” modern rock epics.

Boasting a dynamic live set from 4 years of performing as a collective, this final headline for FAIRTRADE NARCOTICS in 2022 is not one to be skipped.