Lost In Palm Springs

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Lost In Palm Springs

This interdisciplinary exhibition brings together 14 creative minds – including internationally recognised artists, photographers and thinkers from America and Australia – who respond to, capture, or reimagine the magical qualities of the landscape and the celebrated mid-century modern architecture found in the desert city.

Connections between Palm Springs and Australia are remarkably strong, particularly when viewed through the lens of the current renaissance of interest in modernist architecture. Place and home, desert atmospheres, landscapes (real and imagined), and Bauhaus sensibilities inform the works.

The Australian artists represented in the exhibition are Kate Ballis, Tom Blachford, Anna Carey, Sam Cranstoun, Paul Davies, Rosi Griffin, Vicki Stravrou, Robyn Sweaney and Gosia Wlodarczak. American artists in the exhibition are Darren Bradley, Jim Isermann, Troy Kudlac, Lance O’Donnell and Kim Stringfellow.