Dream On Dreamer

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Dream On Dreamer


“What we do in that music scene, or in our music, is really eye-opening and sometimes angry and sometimes it’s inspiring. I think, kids that listen to heavy music, they’re just looking for an answer. They’re all lost in their lives sometimes and that’s their way to cope with it and to build new friendships and to maybe feel loved, to be loved and to give love. That’s why this music scene is so strong, because it’s this culture of different people and everyone supports each other.”

Marcel reveals that since Dream On Dreamer’s first LP Heartbound came out in 2011 the band have undergone a slight transformation, catalysed by the departure of original member Michael McLeod.

“We parted ways with our bassist, which was also our clean singer. We had to work around it and work with it and I think this made us a lot stronger. We just got better and got stronger as individuals and musicians.”

It was quite a frequent occurrence on Heartbound for Marcel’s heavy screams to be undercut by saccharine clean vocal hooks and he confirms that someone else will fill this role, maintaining the crucial element of their sound.

“Mcoy was a great singer and he was a great guy but we had to work around it and the guy who is on board now is just as great, in a different way. It sounds a little different and we are a little different now but I don’t think it will disappoint anyone. We’re super happy and it’s exciting. Changes are exciting.”

When Dream On Dreamer’s first LP came out their electronic and symphonic tinted sound gathered a large amount of hype in the metal community. Marcel explains that the composition and recording of the first album was largely handled by guitarist, Callan Orr.

“For the last one our guitarist wrote pretty much all the music and then I wrote the lyrics and then everyone just had to learn their parts.”

The band’s manner of operation has changed somewhat on the forthcoming record and Marcus stresses that the contributions are no longer dominated by any one member.

“This time it feels a lot more like we’re an actual band. That’s why it’s taken a while as well, because everyone’s really making sure that what they’re doing is correct. We’re more prepared these days and everyone knows what they’re doing a lot more. Whereas in the past it was Callan who pretty much recorded the whole thing, everyone is really, really behind it and knows the best path already. Not like last time where everyone learnt the record after we recorded it.”

The hard velocity of Marcel’s scream has a viscerally provocative impact and his vocal style is reflected in his lyrical depiction of personal struggles.

“Whatever I’m singing about depends on my mood. The way I express it, it’s what I felt when I wrote it. It’s pretty dependent on what I’m actually saying.”

The public forum facilitated by writing songs and singing them in front of large audiences can be a rewarding catharsis and Marcel likens his writing method to making diary entries.

“My lyrics are pretty personal, that’s how I deal with things going on in my life and everyone relates to that too. We all go through internal struggles and are angry about things or want to say things. Not even being angry, but just speaking our minds. For me writing lyrics is almost like talking to a person. But it’s so much better for me because it gets heard by so many more people than if I was to just say it one person. This way I can get it out to thousands of people and they’ll probably think of their own story and get inspired. That’s what it’s all about I think.”

He’s careful to qualify that, however grim their music might sound, his chief lyrical intention is to offer and distribute sympathy.

“I’m talking about a lot of positive things as well, because you’ve got to concentrate on both good and bad. With my lyrics I don’t really want to bring them across as being sad or happy, I just want them to be hopeful or helpful. That’s one of the main reasons why I write lyrics. I want people to talk about it and be inspired by it; for people to not feel like they’re alone when something bad happens.”

For those who are desperately seeking fresh material from the band, Marcel verifies that the wait for the follow up record to Heartbound won’t extend much longer.

“In May I think it’s going to be released. We’ve been working on it for so long that it’s about time we release a new one. We feel like it’s way overdue.”