Doona Waves

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Doona Waves


What’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band?

Hello, we are called Doona Waves. Speaking to you are Mia and Bella, we do the singing and 2/3 of the guitar playing.


What do you hate about the music industry?

The lack of women, there are heaps of amazing women out there doing it, that’s for sure, but the space should welcome heaps more. Also, hate venues getting small bands to do events for them and giving them very average deals.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

It would be really nice to hang out with Hope Sandoval (Mazzy Star). It’d be nice to hang out with Billie Holiday, even Diana Ross, maybe learn some dance moves and get a routine rolling.


If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?

Whoever it was that came up electro-swing.


What can a punter expect from your live show?

Five friends playing groovy head boppers. Fair share of smiles and boogies. Plenty of happy vibes.


What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

We have nothing released at the moment, but it’s in the works, come summer we will throw it your way. There’s a couple of demo’s on band camp though if you want ‘em.


Anything else to add?

Keep it wavy baby 😉