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You’ve just dropped a new album. Could you tell us about it? With Americana you can hear my influences, going all the way back to my earliest musical memory. It’s safe to say that there are some songs on the record that I probably wouldn’t have tackled earlier on, but with 14​ records behind me I feel I have enough hindsight now.

You spent a large chunk of the first half of 2016 on the road touring. Do you ever tire of that lifestyle? I’d be lying if I said I never got tired from touring but thankfully I’m not tired of touring. I love being in different places all the time.

What are your favourite tracks on the album? I really like Circle Game. It’s the earliest song memory I have thanks to my sister being obsessed with it. I’m guessing Joni Mitchell was barely 20 when she wrote about the journey of boyhood to manhood. Having had children, I’m dumbfounded how fast this all happens and Joni manages to capture this. Of course I was clueless as a three year old as to what the lyrics were about, I just liked the melody.

What do you love most about being a musician? Playing to people and feeling them react. My job description to me is someone that provides ‘healthy escapism’ to people. Music has been that for me from my mother’s womb to now.