Audio-Technica and Yulli’s Brews make hoppy bedfellows

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Audio-Technica and Yulli’s Brews make hoppy bedfellows

Words by Staff Writer

Audio-Technica have cemented themselves as a very cool audio company indeed with their collaborations with Yulli's Brews.

The unlikely partners came together in style to create the Kingu Rice Lager and now that’s become a best-seller for Yulli’s, they’re doubling down with the Kuro Black Rice Lager, with artwork from the brilliant Jeremy Lord.

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.

It’s been officially launched at a suitably trendy karaoke style event up in Sydney recently with a great reception. It’s described as a clean, easy drinking dark lager that uses the same base as their Kingu Rice Lager, blended with the rich aroma and flavour of darker malts.

The darker flavours are derived from roasted malt while still maintaining the crispness of rice to maintain that super smooth finish. The whole package is brewed with premier malts, the finest NZ hops and locally sourced rice, which all means the Kuro goes down super smooth with a sweet, rounder fullness and distinct coffee and chocolate flavours.

Pairs well with those shiny sweet black soybeans called Kuromame. Watch this space though, there are plenty other fascinating combinations to come from Audio-Technica moving forward and we can’t wait to taste them.

Head to Audio-Technica Australia for more information.