60 Seconds With… This White Lion

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60 Seconds With… This White Lion


When and why did you start writing music?

I started playing guitar when I was 15, on the back of discovering Rage Against The Machine’s self-titled album. Bombtrack blew my mind. Soon after this I developed an interest for singer/songwriting when I went and saw Scottish group Travis at Regent Theatre. That show changed my entire outlook on live music and song writing.

Tell us about the last song you wrote.

An acoustic/electronic piece called Tall Poppies – it’s basically a song about not accepting bullshit. Thinking for yourself, being sceptical of authority and big fish in a little pond.


Where would you like to be in five years?
My mission is to eventually be making a living from music in some way/shape/form. Whilst playing for me has the added bonus of personal satisfaction, I am content with writing/recording largely for myself. Where I’d like to focus is on helping others achieve their success. I freelance as an audio engineer. Having assisted on a few independent recordings (The Pretty Littles and Fire! Santa Rosa Fire!), I also have worked quite a lot over the past two years engineering orchestral performances in Melbourne. I intend to develop these skills and take it as far as I can.


What inspires or has influenced your music the most? 

Every gig I go to spurs my desire to create and to better my music making abilities. I saw Radiohead in London in 2012, that created a real boost in my dedication. But I think the little shows – the unknown artist that will occasionally blow you away – is quite an inspiration too. Melbourne just has so much to offer in that regard.

What can a punter expect from your live show?

Hopefully something different. I try to mix up each set I do with any new material I’ve been working on, or throwing in an odd cover. A bit of cheeky banter between songs is generally part of it too. I try to make an audience as comfortable with me as I can. But if you really want to find out, why not come and see a show!

When are you playing live/releasing your album/EP/single/etc.?

Highlander Bar, 11a Highlander Lane, on Thursday April 17. It’s the perfect venue for trialling new tunes, chilled vibes and meeting like-minded musicians. I play there about once a month on a Thursday night. I have a few tunes in the works, with the aim of having enough material for an LP sometime in the next 12 months. For the moment, my songs and demos can be found on my Facebook, Soundcloud and triple j Unearthed pages.