60 Seconds With…The Patient

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60 Seconds With…The Patient


Hi there. Who are we speaking to and what’s your role in the band?

Luke here. I play lead guitar in the band.

You’re running Dead Memory Fest at the Bendigo. What inspired you to get all these bands together and what are you looking to do differently this year?

Last year I ran my first Festival at the Reverence Hotel. It was great for a first attempt. This year I wanted to bring together my label mates and put on a bigger show. I have added acoustic acts in the beer garden. This year we are running it out of the Bendigo Hotel and making it a full day event.

You recently performed at Radfest over at Public Bar/Brunswick Hotel. How important do you feel these small weekenders are to Melbourne’s music scene?

Bands need these types of festival shows to help network and get in front of different crowds they may not normally play in front of. Bands today need to stick together to help the scene grow.

The Patient are a non-for-profit band and that you donate all your T-shirt sales to charity. Can you fill us in on that?

Craig and I have been hit pretty hard with family members passing away recently due to cancer. We thought it would be great to help so we are donating our T-shirt Profits to the Peter McCallum Cancer Foundation. As a band we don’t make much money, but we all have solid jobs so this our small way of helping.