60 Seconds With… Slow Dancer

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60 Seconds With… Slow Dancer


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

Raymond Carver. I think we’d share an interest in spooky suburbia.

So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

That guy in there is wearing all white… and all denim.

Do you have any record releases to date? What are they? Where can I get them?

My debut album Surrender is all over the internet.

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

I spend more time with my friends making music, and hanging out doing stuff.

If someone made a movie about your life, who would play you?

Leonardo DiCaprio or Ryan Gosling. Whoever has better hair on the day.

If your music was a chocolate bar, which one would it be, and why?

Reece’s peanut butter cup. Smooth.

What makes a good musician?

The ability to hear what is wrong as well as what is right.

What advice would you give to bands that are new on the Melbourne music scene?

Give up. And stop being younger and better dressed.