60 Seconds With…. Powerline Sneakers

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60 Seconds With…. Powerline Sneakers


Define your genre in five words or less:

Stickin’ it to the man.

What do you love about making music?

Making music gives one a god like feeling. You can be really loud and not have to make any sense. You can fuck it up and just call it jazz.

What do you hate about the music industry?

Gee, where to start. Talentless limpits whose whole personas rely on their relationships with musos are easy to hate. Promoters and management who make money off the creativity of artists whilst infantilising them and taking financial advantage are easy to hate. The fact that one can dedicate their life to playing music and there can be zero provisions for superannuation and virtually zero enforced OH&S standards, etc.

What inspires you?

Most artists will tell you that their best work comes from periods of turmoil. Given that the last 12 months has seen multiple deaths of dear friends, serious health emergencies, relationship break-ups and mental breakdowns, I’ve been so inspired that I’m working on a quadruple concept album as a prelude to a hit Broadway musical based on my inspired dissertation, Treating Androgyny With Carbs And God: A Layman’s Journey from Faith to Compost.

What does a band have to do to succeed?

Do something really amazing, make millions of dollars out of it. Then swan about and tell everyone that you’re hugely successful, most people are basically stupid and so by having money you will meet their criteria for success.

What makes you happiest about what you are doing?

Powerline Sneakers are in a great position at the moment. We write and play great music in whatever form it takes. We are beyond fashion or fad and we owe nothing to anybody, we are beholden to no one at all. Add to that the fact that our individual and collective joy becomes stronger, easier and more intense with each passing day.

POWERLINE SNEAKERS play the Retreat Hotel this Friday 6 June with all girl ‘60s dynamos The Reprobettes.