60 Seconds With… I Am Giant

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60 Seconds With… I Am Giant


Define your genre in five words or less:

Song based alternative rock.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

I’ll say Pete Townshend from The Who. He was one of the first to implement distorted guitar power chords. I’d be like, ”Look what you’ve done!” I’d have to show him Smells Like Teen Spirit too while I was at it.


If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?

Axl Rose. Team Slash all the way. I’m sure there’s a bunch of us out there who have been waiting 20 years now for Vince Neil to make good on his word.


When’s the gig and with who?

We are playing at the Workers club in Fitzroy on Thursday July 5 with a Melbourne band called Bellusira.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

Everything! All the usual stuff like writing constantly and rehearsing a lot, playing regularly. But you also need to know the industry side of it and how to promote yourselves. It’s such a competitive game to be in so you have to keep at it continuously, over a long period, and all the while you have to keep yourself afloat whilst also keeping your lineup together.


Do you have any record releases to date? What are they? Where can I get them?

We have our debut album, The Horrifying Truth out now in Australia in most stores and on iTunes. It was actually recorded mostly in Melbourne with a very skilled producer /engineer in Forrester Savell.


Why should everyone come and see your band?

Because we collectively work our arses off to be a great, tight, explosive live band. We spend ages working on our songs until we all feel they are the very best of us at that particular point in time. We write lyrics that are influenced by our lives, thoughts and feelings as opposed to just going for the hook factor.. I’d advocate checking us out because we could be that new band that you play over and over again, the soundtrack to this period of your life, with songs that give you goose-bumps.. all of us music lovers are searching for that.. And you have to check out new bands to find that. So I suggest you start with us this month because we are going to be around the corner from your house.


If someone made a movie about your life, who would play you?

I’d like to say a young Gary Oldman, or Val Kilmer but in reality it’s probably more like Phillip Seymour Hoffman.


What makes a good musician?

Record sales in excess of a million could be an indication… other than that I’d say instrumental competence, authenticity, expression and feel within your particular genre.