60 Second With… Miners

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60 Second With… Miners


Hello. Who are we speaking with and what do you do in Miners? 

My name is Blake and I write songs sing and play guitar.

I’m Joshua, I play guitar, effects, and loops.

I’m Nick, I play bass with all my brain capacity.

I’m Wilson, I regularly shave my head and play the drums

To the completely uninitiated, tell us a little about the music you make. 

It’s loud, dynamic, textural, and full of energy. While we do get grouped in with shoegazers, there’s a few other facets to our sound as well. We all love the Swirlies, Lilys, Unwound, Sonic Youth.

Can you tell us about the writing and recording process behind your debut EP, Pala

The process was really relaxing actually. We initially spent about ten days in this beautiful house in Bowral, set up all of gear in the lounge room and then in between Mario Kart tournament battles, we tracked everything live. We took those sessions back to Miner HQ (Blake’s warehouse in Albion Park) and did thousands of layers of additional guitars. 

You’re currently on tour in support of the EP, and will be hitting up the Grace Darling on Thursday October 8. What are punters in for?

We’re playing the EP start to finish plus a few newies that we plan on releasing down the road. But punters can expect everything from the faster post-punk stuff to minimal and withheld dream pop. Bring earplugs. 

MINERS play the Grace Darling on Thursday October 8. Pala is out now via Strange Pursuits.